Each November Check City puts on the Annual Check City Warm Hearts Coat Drive to help keep families warm in the winter. Join Check City’s annual winter charity by donating coats, sweaters, and blankets.
Every year Check City collects warm coats, sweaters, and blankets to donate to The Road Home, an organization that provides shelter and resources to families in need. The Road Home provides refuge, resources, and relief to individuals and families who need help.
All of The Road Home’s efforts are focused around their central purpose:
“Everything we do at The Road Home is to help people overcome homelessness and move back home. This includes nationally recognized best practices such as housing-first, progressive engagement, rapid re-housing, and housing navigation.”
Help Check City and The Road Home make the world a better, warmer place by donating your lightly used coats, sweaters, and blankets. Visit a Utah Check City Store near you to donate. When the Warm Hearts Coat Drive is over, we'll take all of these warm coat donations to The Road Home shelter and resource center to be distributed to members of the community who need them the most.
Follow Check City on social media to stay updated on all of our charity and community outreach efforts and see how you can get involved too!
16th Annual Warm Hearts Coat Drive
Benefiting: The Road Home
Donations: Everyone is invited to donate new or gently used coats, blankets, sweaters, hats, gloves, or anything to help keep someone warm this winter. Sizes range from infant to adult.
Where: Donate at any of the 31 Utah Check City locations.
When: The entire month of November 2022
2021 Warm Hearts Coat Drive

The 15th Annual Warm Hearts Coat Drive was a huge success! The number of donations was 30% over the amount we collected last year, amounting to over 3,000 donated items. Check City would like to thank everyone involved in making our coat drive this year a major success. Thanks to everyone that donated and helped to gather and deliver donations to The Road Home, our communities will be a little warmer this winter season.
2020 Warm Hearts Coat Drive

This year Check City took all of our donated items and delivered them to The Road Home. This is a men's resource center in South Salt Lake City. Read more about the 2020 Check City Warm Hearts Coat Drive in the Deseret News article, “Heartwarming gesture: Check City delivers donated coats to the homeless.”
2019 Warm Hearts Coat Drive

This year Check City donated all the warm coats our communities donated to The Road Home, a men's resource center in South Salt Lake City. Read more about the 2019 Check City Warm Hearts Coat Drive in the Deseret News article, “Check City Coat Drive Warms Both Hearts And Bodies.”
2014 Warm Hearts Coat Drive
This year Check City teamed up with Fox 13 for the annual Check City Warm Hearts Coat Drive. You can donate coats to any Utah Check City location to help others stay warm this winter. Once we’ve finished gathering donations, they’ll be given to Catholic Community Services.
2013 Warm Hearts Coat Drive
Drop off your slightly used coats, jackets, sweaters, blankets, or other cold-weather gear to any Utah Check City location before December 1st. All donations this year will go toward Catholic Community Services to help keep members of our community warm this winter.
2012 Warm Hearts Coat Drive
This year Check City will be taking all our Warm Hearts Coat Drive donations to Catholic Community Services where they’ll be distributed to individuals and families who need them. Stop by a Check City store near you to donate today!
2011 Warm Hearts Coat Drive
This year’s Warm Hearts Coat Drive will go toward Catholic Community Services where your donated warm items will be given out to individuals and families that need them most.
2010 Warm Hearts Coat Drive

This year Check City is not only donating warm coats, sweaters, and blankets but their time as well. Once the donated warm items are delivered and organized at Catholic Community Services, Check City employees will donate their time and efforts to serving lunch to the homeless in Salt Lake City at the Catholic Community Services cafeteria. Read more about the 2010 Check City Warm Hearts Coat Drive in the Deseret News article, “Hot meals, cold days.”